Abstract View: 51, PDF Download: 112


  • Zulfatun Anisah IAI AL HIKMAH TUBAN



Subordination, amelioration, pejoration


The meaning of a word depends on the user of the language itself. In
known words there are words that have a higher value and a lower value. The
existence of this unequal meaning is known as subordinate. Words that increase in
value are called amelioration, while words that decrease in value are called
pejorations. I found this amelioration and preference in a flier, which reads “a
man's success in a career must have a woman behind him, namely his partner. And
the destruction of a man must also have a woman behind him, namely his mistress.
There are inaccuracies in the use and placement of words. The words that the
writer highlights are the words male and female as amelioration, and the words
male, female as peyorasi. In analyzing the researchers used a conceptual approach,
because there was a change in the concept, and the technique used was a dressing
technique. Through the technique of replacing the replaced element, it is always an
element that is the main concern in the analysis. So that the results of improving the
flier sentence become "a man's success in a career must have a woman behind him,
namely his partner. And the destruction of a man must also have a woman behind
him, namely his mistress.


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Abstract View: 51, PDF Download: 112