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  • Firda Rizka Rachma Wahdani Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri
  • Ari Abi Aufa Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri


K-Pop, Culture, Technology, Social Media


K-Pop is an actual phenomenon nowadays. Widely spread through
Korean dramas, pop songs, boy and girl bands, this Korean culture has become
a symbol of today's youth life. Teenagers in Indonesia, even in other parts of the
world, are competing to imitate the lifestyle of Korean artists, emulating the
culture and almost making it as their own culture. This article is a library
research. Writings on Korean popular culture serve as the main source of this
research. Writings in the form of a book or journal is analyzed in order to get a
complete understanding of the theme under study. Based on the research
conducted, it is concluded that Korean popular culture is a new culture that
adopts American culture. The new culture is then made into the identity of Korean
youth and then disseminated through various ways, such as dramas, songs, films,
and so on. Utilizing digital technology, social media applications and various
other digital platforms, Korean popular culture has finally managed to spread
widely and become a phenomenon that has caught the world's attention.


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