Language Variations of Teenagers: A Case Study in A Walk to Remember Film

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  • Niswatin Nurul Hidayati STAI Al Hikmah Tuban


Language Variations, Case Study, Walk to Remember


“Research on the relationship between language and gender or language
and age is included in the realm of sociolinguistic studies. In this research, the
researcher focused on language variation in teen speech. Researchers used
qualitative research methods with non-interactive data collection methods. From the
findings and analysis, the researcher concluded that the form of utterances used by
the teenagers were different depending on their gender. The depth of this difference
was seen in the frequency of slang vocabulary usage and the vernacular form of
language that was more often used by young men. Gender differences turned out to
affect the form of utterance of these adolescents where even though they were in the
same group, adolescent girls still paid attention to the value of "prestige" in their
language. In contrast to young men who show more their masculinity through slang
and vernacular forms of language. In addition, the family and social environment, as
well as their age where adolescence is a period of exploration, also influence their
speech patterns.”


________ A Walk to Remember Movie Script. Diakses dari laman pada

tanggal 2 November 2013

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