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  • Nilna Indriana Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Bojonegoro, Indonesia
  • Nilna Indriana Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Bojonegoro, Indonesia


Metaphor, Speech, Khulafaurrasyidin


“This research is to analyze metaphor in the collection of
Khulafaurrasyidin’s speeches. Khulafaurrasyidin is a important figure of Islam
after propet Muhammad saw. pass away from this word. There are four of speeches
of Khulafaurrasyidin that delivered when they are become a caliph. This research
uses the theory of metaphor presented by Halley who classified metaphor into nine
types based on semantic field. The research nature is qualitative descriptive using
library research. This study describe the phenomenon of figurative language
metaphor related to the object of research. And finally, the research findings are
presented informally. Based on the research toward speeches of Khulafaurrasyidin,
researcher finds eight types of source domains metaphor. They are being, cosmos,
energy, terrestrial, object, living, animate and human. And four types of target
domains. The metaphors used tn the speeches show the corelation between
semantic methapor with Arab living and culture with the result that have many
different in number of quantity. And researcher also find a different and
characteristic of caliph delivery speeches. That different because of character,
culture and social politic condition in that period.”


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