INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics) <p><strong>INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics)</strong> is published by the English Language Education Study Programe of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro. Its main aim to spread critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on various contemporary English educational issues. We invite researchers and academic practitioners on various contemporary educational issues to submit their critical writings and to contribute to the development of educational science.</p> Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro en-US INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics) The Exploring Pre-Serving English Teacher's Experiences on implementation of Independent Curriculum in English Learning and Teaching in Junior High School <p>The curriculum is a set of structured rules that are very necessary and very important in the world of education. Indonesia has undergone curriculum changes 14 times until it finally became an independent curriculum. In implementing the independent curriculum, many phenomena explain that Pre-Service English Teachers experience many obstacles and challenges. This research was conducted to describe, explore and analyze the implementation of Pre-Service English Teachers in the independent curriculum. Apart from that, it also explains the problems (challenges and obstacles) faced during the implementation of the independent curriculum, especially at the junior high school (SMP) level. The question raised is how do Pre-service English Teachers carry out the teaching and learning process in the Independent Curriculum. And what are the challenges and obstacles of Pre-service English Teachers in implementing the Independent Curriculum. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected by interviewing 10 participants from different universities and distributing questionnaires. As well as the results presented from interviews and questionnaires are in a descriptive form. The results of the analysis of the answers to questions that have been formulated in research. The results of this analysis are personal experiences during the implementation of the independent curriculum, the learning process carried out by the English Pre-Teacher from start to finish, the challenges and obstacles found, as well as the solutions made in facing these challenges and obstacles. Which is that the independent curriculum has many advantages and is able to support English learning activities. Then in preparation before learning activities, namely compiling teaching modules, learning outcomes, learning objectives, creating media devices, as well as assessment and project activities. Many challenges were found, of course, in the preparation of projects, class conditions, and preparation of teaching materials. In its completion, the Pre-Teacher exchanges ideas with other teachers, seeks other sources and learns to understand the concept of an independent curriculum.</p> <p>Keywords: Independent Curriculum, Pre-Service English Teacher, Challenges, Obstacles, Experience</p> Ratna Adita Widya Ningrum Jen Jacob Copyright (c) 2024 INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics) 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 1 02 32 41 10.32665/intens.v1i02.2221 Improving reading comprehension in descriptive text with shared reading method <p>"This research aims to improve students' reading comprehension skills in English lessons in descriptive texts using the shared reading method. Research includes Classroom Action Research (PTK). The subjects of this research were 15 students in class X-A MA Sunan Bonang Ponco for the 2023/2024 academic year. This research aims to improve students' reading comprehension skills in descriptive text. This research was carried out in two cycles, each consisting of planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. Data was collected through quantitative and qualitative data. The results of this research indicate that there is an increase in students' reading comprehension skills. The average pre-test score was 46.13%. The average value of post-test 1 is 66.93. the average post-test two was 82.13. it shows that the score and average in the second cycle are better than in the first cycle. The percentage of students who scored &gt;75 has increased. In the pre-test, there were two students (13.33%) who got a score of &gt;75 and above. In the post-test cycle 1, there were four students (26.66%) who scored &gt;75 and above. Post-test cycle, two students who obtained a score &gt;75 were 14 students (93.33%). Students' ability to understand reading in descriptive texts increases and becomes better from the first meeting to the next meeting using the shared reading method."</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nurjayati Khoirul Wafa Moh Zainuddin Copyright (c) 2024 INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics) 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 1 02 13 23 10.32665/intens.v1i02.2257 The Effectiveness of Using Viral Short Song from Tik Tok in Teaching Pronounciation <p>Pronunciation plays important part in oral communication. When learners start learning pronunciation they make <br>new habits and overcome the difficulties performing from the first language. This study aimed to probe the impact <br>of using the Viral Short Song as a training media on scholars' pronunciation chops. The disquisition was conducted <br>among eight- grade scholars at SMP Plus Al hidayah Tuban. The disquisition was predicated on the premise that <br>pronunciation is important aspect to communicate. Without accurate pronunciation, a word can be misread by the <br>interlocutors. To address this issue, the disquisition explored the use of the viral short song, a training media <br>designed to engage scholars in perfecting their recognition of delicate word and enhancing their interest in learning <br>English. The disquisition employed anquasi-experimental design with a single subject group. Pre-tests andposttests were conducted to measure scholars' pronunciation chops ahead and after the performance of the viral short <br>song. The results revealed a significant improvement in scholars' pronunciation chops following the treatment. <br>Mean scores increased from a" truly Bad" type to a" truly Good" type, indicating the effectiveness of the viral <br>short song in enhancing pronunciation. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that the viral short song is an <br>effective fashion for perfecting scholars' pronunciation chops.</p> Titik Nur Hidayanti Rahman Iin Widya Lestari Khoirul Wafa Copyright (c) 2024 INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics) 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 1 02 42 48 10.32665/intens.v1i02.2230 AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH VOCABULARY CARDS (EVC) APPLIED IN TEACHING VOCABULARY FOR YOUNG LEARNERS' <p>The research aims to describe and analyze the process of teaching by using English Vocabulary Cards (EVC) for young learners and to find out the challenges and obstacles faced by EFL teacher in applying English Vocabulary Cards (EVC) for young learners. This research employed qualitative research method and descriptive approach to know how does the EFL English teacher apply English Vocabulary Cards (EVC) in teaching vocabulary for young learners and what are the challenges and obstacles of EFL teacher in applying English Vocabulary Cards (EVC) for young learners. The subjects of this research are English teacher and the students of fourth grade which consisted of 32 students at MI Miftahul Ulum Karangan. The researcher uses observation and interview as a source. The observation is done to collect the data about the activities in the classroom. Interview is used to support the data from observation. The results showed that the process of English Vocabulary Cards (EVC) applied in teaching vocabulary for young learners in the fourth grade students of MI Miftahul Ulum applied as games. The challenges of English teacher in apply English Vocabulary Cards (EVC) are come from the materials of this media is easily damaged and the large of students in fourth grade. The obstacles are the students often open dictionaries or books to know the meaning of the vocabulary.</p> Siti Munadhdhomah phearun phorn Copyright (c) 2024 INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics) 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 1 02 1 12 10.32665/intens.v1i02.2216 The Use of Jigsaw Technique to Improve Students' Reading Comprehension of Narrative Texts Via Wattpad Applcation <p>Reading comprehension is one of the most important skills for reading texts. This study aims to determine the increase in students' reading comprehension when learning narrative texts used jigsaw learning techniques and Wattpad learning media. This study used pre-experimental research. The population of this study were eighth grade students at MTs Al Falah Gajah, and this study used purposive sampling, that is, the sample was taken from 30 students. The researcher gave the students a pre-test and a post-test, which were used to measure and evaluate the results of the pre-test and post-test. Learning Data collected includes as many as 60 items, including pre-test and post-test multiple-choice questions related to narrative texts. Pre-test and post-test data were tabulated and analyzed by percentage. The data were analyzed used SPSS 26. Based on the results of the analysis, scores in the pre-test were lower than the mean scores in the post-test (33.8000&lt;67.4667). The study concluded that the use of the jigsaw technique and the Wattpad application were effective in improving students’ reading comprehension of narrative texts.<br><br></p> Uzlifatul Imamah Ainu Zunrudiana Copyright (c) 2024 INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics) 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 1 02 24 31 10.32665/intens.v1i02.2251