INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics)
<p><strong>INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics)</strong> is published by the English Language Education Study Programe of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro. Its main aim to spread critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on various contemporary English educational issues. We invite researchers and academic practitioners on various contemporary educational issues to submit their critical writings and to contribute to the development of educational science.</p>Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoroen-USINTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics)The The Effectiveness Using Pictionary Game Toward Students Vocabulary Mastery
<p>The purpose of this research is to know whether use of Pictionary game effectives on students vocabulary mastery of class IV students at SDN Gajah 2 who found it difficult to mastering vocabulary and have a low score in vocabulary learning. The grand theory of the research is based on the Game as an Education Theory by Harmer and Lely. The technique used in this research is Pictionary game. In this research, Researcher used one-group pertest post test experimental research design that was conducted in 4 meetings. In this research, Researcher use instrument in the form of observation and test to collect data with count of participant is 14 students. This research demonstrate that Pictionary game is effective on students vocabulary mastery, the results of observation showed that teacher has implemented process using the Pictionary game well, students showed positive responses and students abilities progressed well in each meeting. Meanwhile the results of the paired sample t-test show that alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted because T-count > T table which 2.810 > 2.160 with significance effect 0.05 means that Pictionary game is effective toward students vocabulary mastery of SDN Gajah 2 students.</p> <p> </p>Nurul MufaridaAinu Zunrudiana
Copyright (c) 2025 INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics)
<p> Vocabulary is an important part of English but is often neglected in learning activities. Vocabulary mastery is very important to expedite English learning activities. In this article entitled "Strategy to Improve Vocabulary Mastery in Primary Students Using Domino Vocabulary Card," the reason for choosing this educational media in the form of pictorial word domino cards is because it is included in media that is creative, so the problem of the lack of mastery of English vocabulary owned by students and the lack of availability of learning media in the English learning process can be handled properly. With this media, it is hoped that it can help students become more enthusiastic about understanding English lessons and assist teachers in delivering material, thus expediting the course of teaching and learning activities.</p>Julia DwijayantiPravita KanzaMoh Zainuddin
Copyright (c) 2025 INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics)
2025-01-312025-01-3120117An Analysis of English Code Switching and Code Mixing Used in Narrative story during Speaking Class
<p>The primary objective of this study was to identify the instances of Code Switching and Code Mixing employed during narrative storytelling in a classroom speaking class. Additionally, it aimed to highlight the advantages of incorporating Code Switching and Code Mixing in classroom activities. The research adopted a descriptive qualitative approach and was conducted in the eleventh grade of SMA Plus Al-Amanah, involving two English teachers as participants. Data collection methods encompassed observations, recordings, and interviews.</p> <p>From the gathered data, the identified types of Code Switching included Inter-Sentential Switching, Intra-Sentential Switching, and Tag Switching. In addition, the types of Code Mixing discovered comprised Insertion, Alternation, and Congruent Lexicalization. Notably, the prevalent types utilized in classroom activities were Tag Switching and Insertion. Furthermore, the study uncovered several benefits associated with the utilization of Code Switching and Code Mixing in the classroom. These advantages encompassed enhancing students' comprehension of the subject matter, introducing new vocabulary, and facilitating pronunciation practice. In conclusion, based on the findings, it is recommended that English teachers consider integrating Code Switching and Code Mixing into their teaching and learning processes during classroom activities, as it has been demonstrated to be more effective than exclusively using a single language.</p>Cicik RistiamadaniAhmad Tauchid
Copyright (c) 2025 INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics)
<p style="font-weight: 400;">One of the Government policies mentioned in the points of the National Education Policy Direction in the field of Elementary and Secondary Education in 2001/2004 was to reform and strengthen the system. The quality of education at elementary level is demanded to always be better along with the world's changing. The teacher as the leading role in teaching and studying activity is expected to be able to use acceptable media to improve student's learning interest. Visual based teaching media in game formation is one of effective alternative media to improve studying quality. Children in elementary level have a tendency to play. Fun and relaxing situations will help children to increase their learning interest. There is a new paradigm recently that through playing children will be able to learn more and their studying activity will be more effective when the situation is set to be fun. The development of this learning media in the form of “ular tangga”game is aimed at giving discourse about alternative teaching media for elementary level. The use of this alternative media is expected to improve the quality of teaching and studying activities at elementary level.</p>Robiuz ZaidahRima FirnandaNanin Verina Widya Putri
Copyright (c) 2025 INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics)
<p>Based on the Indonesian education system, English is one of the subjects that must be taught in every institution and teaching English in Indonesia is not easy, it will be more difficult than other subjects because there are many students who lack experience with English so it will be difficult for students to understand. Teachers must find ways to make students excited and motivated to learn English. Researchers conducted pre-observations at Al Kyai Vocational School and found that repetition drills can improve English and increase concentration. This study aims to analyze repetition exercises in teaching English and the motivation teachers give to students. The research was conducted in collaboration with eleventh grade English teacher at SMK Al Kyai Bojonegoro. The results showed that evaluation of repetition drills included vocabulary, pronunciation, sentence structure, and dialogue exercises. The motivation given to students had both positive and negative effects.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong><strong>:</strong> Analysis, Repetition drill, Teaching English, Students.</p>Rahma AnnisaMohammad FatoniMoh Zainuddin
Copyright (c) 2025 INTENS (International Journal of English Education and Linguistics)