Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat </span></strong><span class="apple-style-span"><span lang="EN-US">is a journal managed by the Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, Bojonegoro, Indonesia. Publish articles on community service activities in the fields of Education, Social, political, Religion, Health, Human Resource Development, and Appropriate Technology. Have e-ISSN: <a href="">2809-5650</a>. Now Mafaza is published twice a year June and December.</span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Mafaza : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat</span></strong><span class="apple-style-span"><span lang="EN-US"> starting in 2021 Two times a year, June and December. Published articles can be downloaded for free, read, and distributed as references for the next article. Paper is submitted online by registering first on this website or can be sent via email to <a href=";ouid=109697216517214433195&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Download the Template here</a> and the <a href=";ouid=109697216517214433195&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Author Guidelines here</a> and submit the article along with the statement letter.<br /></span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="apple-style-span"><span lang="EN-US">Currently, Mafaza Journal is the accredited <a href="">SINTA 5</a> until Volume 5 No. 2 2025.<br /></span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><iframe src=";gs=wxcNv5wAAAAJ&amp;hl&amp;sc=10" name="statistik" width="100%" height="250px" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0px" marginheight="0px" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> en-US (Suttrisno) (M. Romadlon Habibullah) Thu, 12 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 PELATIHAN TATA KELOLA MANAJEMEN LEMBAGA KEUANGAN MIKRO AGRIBISNIS (LKMA) KABUPATEN KENDAL <p><em>Kendal Regency is one of the regencies in Central Java Province with economic characteristics that are dominated by the agricultural sector. The inability of farmers to access formal sources of capital is due to the lack of easy credit application procedures and the absence of required collateral. The Minister of Agriculture has implemented the PUAP program since 2008 by growing and developing Agribusiness Microfinance Institutions (LKMA) through villages receiving BLM-PUAP funds. The number of Kendal Regency LKMAs during 2008-2015 reached 277 Gapoktan spread across 20 sub-districts. In 2022, there will be 249 LKMAs that will no longer be active and the remaining 28 LKMAs will still be active and 15 of them will have legal entities.&nbsp; The method of implementing the activities carried out in this service is in the form of counseling and training.&nbsp; The results of this community service are 1) LKMA management understands and knows the form of business that will be used to process business permits and will prepare business management governance guidelines according to mutual agreement; 2). LKMA management is able to make a SWOT analysis and know the strategies that will be implemented; and 3). LKMA management is motivated to improve and develop businesses for the progress and welfare of farmers.</em></p> Edy Purwanto, Dedik Purwanto, Muhammad Aidin Copyright (c) 2024 Edy Purwanto, Dedik Purwanto, Muhammad Aidin Thu, 12 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MEMBANGUN TAMAN LITERASI ECOBRICK SEBAGAI RUANG PUBLIK BERKELANJUTAN <p><em>Warukawung Village, Depok District, Cirebon Regency, holds significant potential in education, the furniture industry, and the environment but faces challenges such as low reading interest, plastic waste management, and limited skills in furniture business management. This article discusses the Community Service Program (KKN) initiative aimed at addressing these issues through two main programs: Ecobrick education and the construction of the Ecobrick Literacy Park. The Participatory Action Research (PAR) method was employed, involving active participation from the community at every stage, from planning to evaluation. The Ecobrick education program at SDN 1 Warukawung involved 5th-grade students to raise environmental awareness and provide plastic waste management skills, where students were taught to create Ecobricks, later used to beautify the school garden. The Ecobrick Literacy Park project at the Warukawung Village Hall created a public space that supports literacy activities and promotes environmental awareness. Using Ecobricks for park elements such as benches, tables, and bookshelves, the park also includes a mini-library made from Ecobricks. Through the PAR approach, community participation ensured that the program was relevant and beneficial. The outcomes successfully improved the quality of education, environmental awareness, and community empowerment, providing long-term benefits for the village. Sustainability recommendations include regular teacher training, environmental education programs, and the formation of a literacy park maintenance group to ensure lasting benefits for the community.</em></p> Jefik Hafizd, Mei Linda Purnama S, Tabitha Oktaviani, Nuryani Nuryani, Silvy Kanawanti B.A.P, Rika Amelia, Noer M. Abdul Karim, Azriyah Azriyah, Nita Normalia, Ian Ainun Wibisono, Alinda Noviyanti, Irma Nurherawati, Bayu Cakra Guna, Inayah Widyawati, Mohamad Fajar A, Via Febiana Copyright (c) 2024 Jefik Hafizd, Mei Linda Purnama S, Tabitha Oktaviani, Nuryani Nuryani, Silvy Kanawanti B.A.P, Rika Amelia, Noer M. Abdul Karim, Azriyah Azriyah, Nita Normalia, Ian Ainun Wibisono, Alinda Noviyanti, Irma Nurherawati, Bayu Cakra Guna, Inayah Widyawati, Mohamad Fajar A, Via Febiana Thu, 12 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENTINGNYA LITERASI KEUANGAN UNTUK PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN PRIBADI SEJAK DINI <p><em>The younger generation's low level of financial literacy and the increasing use of online lending (pinjol) encourage this community service activity. Community service aims to increase awareness of the importance of financial literacy for the younger generation in managing finances to improve self-control. Young people with good financial literacy tend to prioritize making financial decisions, including being able to distinguish between their needs and wants. Conversely, if the younger generation needs better financial literacy, they will tend to make mistakes in financial management that can have a negative impact in the long run. Community service partners are young people aged 15 to 21 under the auspices of the Adjarmanu Foundation, East Nusa Tenggara, and Child Development Centers in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. Community service is carried out using training methods. The material provided uses the concept of gamification to make it more attractive to the younger generation. The results of the post-test show that the financial literacy skills of the participants have increased. A positive response from the participants was also seen in a brief interview conducted at the end of the community service activity.</em></p> Nony Kezia Marchyta, Eddy Madiono Sutanto Copyright (c) 2024 Nony Kezia Marchyta, Eddy Madiono Sutanto Thu, 12 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGUATAN NILAI-NILAI MODERASI MELALUI MANUAL TAFSIR MODERAT DALAM MENANGKAL TAFSIR MANIPULATIF RADIKALIS <p><em>Religious radicalism as a global threat is now permeating various segments of society as a result of the infiltration of private places by the media, both urban and rural. Radical interpretations that are immediately packaged are freely presented in public places so that they are easily accessible to all levels of society through social media without critical thinking and without comparative material. So far, propaganda for jihadist ideology and succession campaigns continues to move through social media, despite the dissolution of a number of organizations referred to as radicals. This paper aims to describe the implementation of community service in order to promote the values of moderation in order to counter the malign interpretation of radicals groups in East Lenteng Sumenep. The methodology used in this directive is participatory action research (PAR). The use of PAR Is seen as appropriate and viable because it engages the community in all service processes that are expected to be sustainable with the birth of local leaders responsible for continuing assistance after the service program is completed. The results of the service show that awareness of the danger of extremism in religious understanding has begun to emerge and awareness of every form of religious information presented on social media has emerged.</em></p> Achmad Bahrur Rozi, Khairun Nisa’, Lailatul Jamila Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Bahrur Rozi, Khairun Nisa’, Lailatul Jamila Thu, 12 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMALISASI PEMBELAJARAN MELALUI PENGABDIAN MAHASISWA PAI DI SMK ISLAM 45 WIRADESA <p><em>The Community Service Program (PkM) through Field Experience Practices (PPL) run by Islamic Religious Education students of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Islamic University Pekalongan aims to strengthen teaching skills and understanding of the world of education for prospective teachers. The program is implemented at SMK Islam 45 Wiradesa and utilizes the Lesson Study method as a sustainable coaching approach that emphasizes collaboration between students, teachers, and supervisors. Lesson Study is implemented in three stages: Design (Plan), Implementation (Do), and Evaluation (See), in order to improve the quality of learning and facilitate a deeper understanding of teaching and learning dynamics. The implementation of PPL showed positive results, with active involvement between students and teaching staff in the preparation of materials, teaching practice, and evaluation. As a result of this activity, students can improve their skills in designing lessons, managing classes, and developing good relationships with students. However, challenges are also faced in terms of time management, managing student behavior, and limited resources. With continuous evaluation, this program proved to be beneficial not only for students but also for improving the quality of education in partner schools.</em></p> Muhammad Khozin, Susiana Dewi, Mutia Nurfalasyifa, Luluk Agustin Maryatul Magfiroh, Meyta Lathifah; Ahmad Luthfi Hidayatur Rohman, Muhammad Amhar Dany; Rena Anzahra Darais, Sulistiana Prasetya, Ghina Karima Anjalina Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Khozin, Susiana Dewi, Mutia Nurfalasyifa, Luluk Agustin Maryatul Magfiroh, Meyta Lathifah; Ahmad Luthfi Hidayatur Rohman, Muhammad Amhar Dany; Rena Anzahra Darais, Sulistiana Prasetya, Ghina Karima Anjalina Thu, 12 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FAMILIARISASI PRAKTIK UJIAN KOMPREHENSIF BAGI TARUNA PELAYARAN MENGHADAPI UJIAN KEAHLIAN PELAUT <p><em>The Seafarer's Skills Test (UKP) is a competency evaluation system that must be followed by sailors to obtain a skills certificate according to their level and field. The purpose of this activity is to provide an introduction and understanding to maritime cadets regarding the machinery system on board the ship so that cadets can prepare themselves for the comprehensive seafarer's skills exam practice. The method used in implementing this activity is to use a practical method, namely participants practice all the scenarios that have been explained previously to determine the extent of the cadets' knowledge and abilities in understanding the given practical scenarios and at the beginning a pre-test is given and at the end of the familiarization the participants are given a post-test questionnaire. The results of this activity are an increase in the understanding of cadets from 7 cadets or 35% to 16 cadets or 80% after participating in the familiarization activity. Meanwhile, cadets who do not understand have decreased significantly from 13 cadets or 65% to 4 cadets or 20%. This means that cadets are able to understand the structure and format of the exam that will be faced, recognize the types of scenarios and the time given so that cadets are prepared to face the comprehensive seafarer's skills exam. It is concluded that the simulator familiarization activity can increase the understanding of maritime cadets regarding the machinery system on board the ship so that cadets can prepare themselves for the comprehensive seafarer's skills exam practice.</em></p> Amad Narto, Suganjar, Kundori Kundori, Encis Indah Suryani, Endah Fauziningrum, Sugeng Haryadi Copyright (c) 2024 Amad Narto, Suganjar, Kundori Kundori, Encis indah suryani, Endah Fauziningrum, Sugeng Haryadi Thu, 12 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENINGKATAN PUBLIC SPEAKING KADER PEMBINAAN KESEJAHTERAAN KELUARGA (PKK) MELALUI OLIMPIADE STUNTING <p><em>Stunting is still a hot topic and the main target of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in order to achieve the Golden Indonesia 2024.</em> <em>PKK cadres are the main drivers who play an important role in supporting the success of health programmes in a village.</em> <em>In this case, PKK cadres spread across Citeras, Garut can be said to be the driving force in preventing stunting.</em> <em>The purpose of PPM activities is to increase the competence of PKK cadres in an effort to reduce stunting rates in the Garut area.</em> <em>PPM activities were packaged through Stunting Olympics activities, where there was a ‘Public Speaking’ competition.</em> <em>The competition was attended by PKK cadres spread across Garut which was carried out at the Citeras Health Centre.</em> <em>In this case, Puskesmas Citeras is also a partner of the author's continuous service.</em> <em>This is a positive and interesting activity, where we can be directly involved in interacting with the cadres.</em> <em>The methods used in this community development programme are interactive methods, lecture methods, training, and discussion methods.</em> <em>The author also listens to every presentation of the cadres who practice public speaking competencies on socialising stunting prevention to the local community.</em> <em>The author provides feedback and then motivates the improvement of cadres' public speaking in the socialisation of stunting prevention.</em> <em>The results and achievements of the PPM activities are</em> <em>as an evaluation that can improve the public speaking competencies that cadres should have.</em> <em>The implications of this PPM activity for the community have become a valuable event for cadres in improving public speaking competencies.</em> <em>Likewise, the implications for communication science can also be a reference about the usefulness of public speaking material for the design of other similar PPM activities.</em></p> Ditha Prasanti, Jenny Ratna Suminar, Ikhsan Fuady Copyright (c) 2024 Ditha Prasanti, Jenny Ratna Suminar, Ikhsan Fuady Thu, 12 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000