Journal Systems<p><strong>At Tuhfah:</strong> Journal of Islamic Studies published by the Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro University Postgraduate since 2008. Focus and Scope scientific studies on Islamic studies. The articles of this journal are published every six months (2 issues per year in June and December)</p> <p>The editorial team invites academics, lecturers, and researchers to contribute in submitting scientific articles that have never been published in other journals. Manuscripts are typed with 1.5 cm spacing on A4 size paper with a length of between 20-25 pages, 5000-7000 words. manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board and bestari partners. The editor can make changes to the published text for format uniformity, without changing the substance. The languages used are Indonesian, English and Arabic.</p> <p>This journal can be accessed openly, which means that all available content is freely accessible without charge, either to users or to the institution. Users who are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or cite to the full text of articles do not have to seek prior permission from the publisher or author.</p> <p>Editor's Address: Jl. Ahmad Yani No.10 Sukorejo Bojonegoro Cp. 081330496000, Email: This e-journal is an online version of the Modeling print edition published by the Nahdlatul Ulama University Sunan Giri Bojonegoro</p> Paradigma Pendidikan Mts Darut Tauhid Ngablak Bojonegoro2024-03-18T12:36:14+00:00HENDRA SETIAWANhensa12345@gmail.comSri<p><em>Secularism is an ideology that only prioritizes material things and separates worldly life from the afterlife. In fact, this ideology always fights for the right to be free from various rules from religious teachings. there may be a role and interference of religion in it. The concept of secularism has been spreading for a long time in Indonesia. The influence of secularism on the Islamic world began during the era of western imperialism on the Islamic world. The methodology used in this research is qualitative using a historical approach through library research which utilizes sources from various journals and several books that are appropriate to the research topic. The results of this research show that secularism is a view that is contrary to teachings Islam separates world affairs from religious affairs. Sadly, there are quite a few Muslims who adhere to secularism, they act freely in dealing with world affairs and religion, reject Islamic law, and do not even believe in the </em><em>Alqur’an</em><em> and religion as true guidelines for life. Of course this is a big challenge in Islamic preaching. This requires serious attention and handling from Islamic figures, ulama and Muslims themselves.</em></p>2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 At-Tuhfah RUWATAN PADA PRESPEKTIF ISLAM MASYARAKAT DEMAK JAWA TENGAH2024-04-25T02:06:06+00:00Niah Dian Fadlilahdianfadlilah31@gmail.comAfifatur Rodiyahafifatur2017@gmail.comNisrina Wulandarinisrinawulandari12@gmail.comMuhammad Farhan Erdiantomuhfarhane18@gmail.comMochammad Faiz Arya Yudhantafaizarya31@gmail.comAditia Muhammad<p>Java is one of the largest tribes in Indonesia which has a variety of customs. The Javanese are closely related to supernatural beliefs or what is often known as belief in the Spiritual realm. Javanese people have various concepts that are used as songs that carry out a traditional ceremony. Traditional ceremonies carried out to get away from influences caused by human mistakes and carelessness, this culture in Java is called ruwatan. Ruwatan culture is a form of traditional ritual for self-cleaning which is still upheld today as the original tradition of the people of Demak, Central Java. The ruwatan ceremony is an acculturation tradition which also comes from the teachings of Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga and is needed for people who are Nandang Sukerta or are in sin. This tradition is celebrated every year by witnessing the devotion to the ancestors and glorification of the Almighty. The presence of this cultural ritual of Ruwatan Bumi has philosophical points that can be observed from the procession and the equipment that will be used, among others, enthusiasm, hard work, gratitude for the blessings bestowed by the Almighty, devotion to the ancestors. Ruwatan can mean transcending or eliminating an inner misery by carrying out a ceremony or ritual. This culture is needed as a source of teaching local history, because of the historical insight that exists in the ruwatan tradition. The purpose of this analysis is to find out the process of knowing the ngruwat ceremony, the process of Islamization of the ngruwat tradition, and the influence of the ngruwat tradition on social culture and community life. The research method applied uses qualitative methods that examine journals and other literature.</p> <p> </p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 At-Tuhfah Religious Education Reform In Indonesia In The Millennial Era2024-04-25T02:10:08+00:00Raditya Wibowoadotbolang61@gmail.comMuhammad Iqbal Khalidradit@gmail.comDinda Rizkina Fadhilahdinda@gmail.comIsnaini Nasabilah Zahraniisnaini@gmail.comFarell Gymnastiar Ramadhanfarrel@gmail.comAditia Muhammad<p>Sebagai negara dengan penduduk muslim terbesar, Pendidikan agama Islam itu penting di Indonesia. Akan tetapi, pelaksanaan pendidikan agama Islam pada Indonesia masih menghadapi banyak hambatan di era generasi milenial ini. Reformasi pendidikan agama Islam pada Indonesia perlu dilaksanakan. Pada awal abad ke-20 muncul ide-inspirasi pembaruan atau reformasi pendidikan Islam pada Indonesia. inspirasi ini ada karena semakin banyak yang tidak puas menggunakan sistem pendidikan yang ada ketika itu. Maka, terdapat hal yang harus dibenahi yakni dari atau materi, metode, dan manajemen pendidikan. Reformasi Pendidikan kepercayaan Islam pada Indonesia di Era Generasi Millennial sudah menjadi topik diskusi yang hangat akhir-akhir ini. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan tantangan serta peluang yang dihadapi pada merespon kebutuhan pendidikan agama Islam bagi generasi milenial yg semakin kompleks serta beragam. Pendidikan agama Islam pada Indonesia berperanan sangat krusial guna membuat karakter remaja zaman kini disamping menumbuhkan keterampilan ilmu pengetahuan. Reformasi Pendidikan kepercayaan Islam di Indonesia pada era generasi milenial dibutuhkan dapat membangun generasi yang berakhlakul karimah dan berkarakter Islam. Oleh sebab itu, pendidikan agama Islam di Indonesia wajib dijadikan prioritas primer. Pendidikan agama Islam diharapkan bisa membentuk para pelajar yang terdidik menggunakan baik pada ajaran agama Islam, mampu menerapkannya pada kehidupan sehari-hari, dan berkontribusi pada membentuk masyarakat yang lebih bermoral dan membentuk ketahanan umat Islam pada zaman yang semakin kompleks.</p>2023-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 At-Tuhfah