Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengenal Konsep Banyak Sedikit Pada Anak Usia 3-4 Tahun Dengan Metode Demontrasi
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Children education development is not quite simple, for it must develop other assets, not only the cognitives, but also phisio motoric, social, economic and language aspects, too. With the presence of the research on the concept of much and little, with demonstrative methode for 3-4 years old children, to increase children abilities on language and cognitive aspects. Children do not only mention numbers but they are also expected to be able to differentiate amounts in a concrete language. This research used a comparrative technique using quantitative data, comparring first cycle result and the second one. The result of this comparrison is used to find the succeed and failure indicators in every cycle.
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Website: dan.berhitung/001/005/643/1/4
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