Pendidikan Islam Integratif Dengan Media Gubuk Pintar

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  • Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Bojonegoro Indonesia



Islamic Education, Integrative, Smart Hut, Curriculum


Islamic education is a system that prepares student to be a
successful person either in the world or in hereafter. This journal comes
from writer‟s attention and apprehension to the student‟s development
now day. Alumni of Islamic Education Institution either Formal Islamic
Institution or Non Formal Islamic Institution still have a lot of
weaknesses. There are many alumni from both institutions have partial
competence (not complete). For example, a student masters only one kind
of discipline.
From those reasons, writer begin to think what kind of method
that can create alumni who have integrative competence. Integrative
competence means alumni are able doing dzikr, thinking, and doing
righteous deeds. From those third competences, the most important thing
is doing righteous deeds. Because students can‟t actualize competence of
righteous deeds intact and well.
So that‟s why writer create the method to build Islamic values to
the students by “Smart Hut/Smart House” media. Through this method,
students will be educated to do dzikir to Allah either shar‟i or amaliyah
with taqorrub ilallah (getting closer to Allah) and being grateful the greatness of Allah. By thinking, student will be encouraged to study fun while they are educated to think mature and wise. At Smart Hut, students are also educated to study the fundamental to complicated things. For example, the students are educated to study planting, entrepreneurship, or cooking. Basically, the students will have a mind set to do righteous deeds, namely creating something barokah that can produce something useful to themselves and people. Actually, Smart Hut needs to be built, because writer think that formal education don‟t cover the skill. People have to fully give a good respond of it. However, educational institution and people should synergize to build good learning atmosphere to development of student to have an integrative competence


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How to Cite

Ahmad Farid. (2016). Pendidikan Islam Integratif Dengan Media Gubuk Pintar. Al Ulya: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 1(1), 85–97.



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