Efektivitas Pendidikan Pesantren Dalam Meningkatkan Rasa Nasionalisme
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Islamic boarding school, Effective, NationalismAbstract
Islamic boarding school is the oldest educational institutions in Indonesia. Kiai, student, cottage, mosques, and the classics of Islam became keys of element in a boarding school. Globalization with officers industrial, technology increasingly hit the education system in Indonesia especially challenging for pesantren should give added value to the community in order to make religious values as well as values of Nationalism. In this case boarding should contribute and stimulate community spirit in realize and internalize religious values in the context of homogeneous nationalityIslamic boarding school floated several roles, primarily as an educational institution, if any Islamic education institutions which are also playing a role as an institution of religious guidance, science, coaching, community development and culture at the same node, then that's boarding school. Education in boarding school is very effective to foster a sense of nationalism
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