Kreativitas Guru Tahfidz dalam Mengajarkan Al-Quran pada Siswa Penderita Tuna Wicara
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creativity of teachers, students, limited speechAbstract
This study aims to discuss the creativity of teachers in teaching the
Koran to students who have limited speech. It can be seen that
students with speech impairment are students who have lives with
special needs. Nothing else in the process of studying a religious
science, namely learning the Koran, both in terms of reading and
memorizing. This research is a qualitative research. Data collection is
done by observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of this
research data with several parts, namely, data collection, data
reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The results of data
analysis showed that the methods applied by the Tahfidz teacher in
teaching the Koran to students with speech impairment had a good
influence. Like the Yanbu’a method and the Talaqqi method.
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