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Toleran, Religion, Peace


Radicalism is a increasingly prevalent phenomenon in Indonesia for recent
years. Radicalism increasingly developed when ‘orde baru’ (soeharto's regime)
ended. The reform era is expanding space for people to express their feeling,
including expressions of diversity. Including indicators of the emergence of
radicalism in Indonesia is the birth of religious organizations that often use violent
methods in carrying out its mission. Various radical Islamic organizations have
various characteristics, variants and also orientations. However, there are
similarities between radical Islamic organizations, namely the use of violence that
came to be known as terror. Unfortunately almost of groups are dominated by
millennial generation. This problem is a concern for the wider community
surely.Various efforts to respond radicalism also appears contra ideology between
them too. Aswaja education proved be able to prohibit radicalism viruses.
This article will present data from interviews, observations, and literature
reviews related to the topic. The arguments which built in this paper are
reconstruction and actualisation values which contained in Aswaja can be
strongly internalized in person's life, especially millenial generation. The proper
aswaja socialization and internalization is trough education. In schools, colleges,
and study forums which apply aswaja content; students, college students, and the
study participants will have opportunity to have moderate religion understanding
and will be far away from radicalism diseases.


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How to Cite

Suudin. (2019). OPTIMALISASI PENDIDIKAN ASWAJA PADA GENERASI MILENIAL SEBAGAI UPAYA DERADIKALISASI. Al Ulya: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 4(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.36840/ulya.v4i1.204



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