Ikhtilaful Ulama Dalam Menetukan Timbulnya Hubungan Mahram Sebab Susuan
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Perbedaan Pendapat Ulama, Mahram, Susuan.Abstract
Breast milk (ASI) is a staple food and is very important for the growth of the baby. So important is the role of breast milk that when a mother is unable to breastfeed her baby sometimes chooses to breastfeed her baby to another woman. This situation is often not realized by some people that babies who have been breastfed to other women cause mahram relations between the baby and the mother who breastfeeds him. There is a cross opinion among scholars in determining milk which causes the occurrence of mahram relations both regarding milk levels, breastfeeding age, how to breastfeed and so on. Like Imam Shafi'i and some Hanbali Madhabs, for example, requiring the level of breast milk drunk by babies to reach five times the milk that can be filling can only be considered to cause mahram relations. Unlike Imam Shafi'i and some Hanbali Madhabs who have breastfeeding rates, Hanafi Imams, Malikis, and some other Hanbali Madhabs do not require five feedings because a little or a lot is the same, that is, when a baby has been breastfed by another woman, the baby and the nursing mother naturally have a mahram relationship without having to measure how many times the milk.