Konsep Pendidikan Islam Dalam Prespektif Al Qur’an Surat at Taubah Ayat 122
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Qur'an is a guide for the people in running life in the world and in which there are fundamental teachings (basic principle) every aspect of human life and all its problems. One example of the problems that have been included in the Qur'an is a problem of education. Educartion according to Qur`an is work done in a planned and phased to provide student`s knowledge, skills and attitudes. for provision in carrying out their duties and were able to achieve a lofty goal. as servants and khalifah of God on this earth. Relating to education, Qur'an has provided explanations very complete clear. Q.S at Taubah: 122 makes clear that all the problems in educationn be missed If the Muslims were able to examine, explore of science and as well as practice and develop. So, will be obtained some basic concepts of education which became a source of inspiration to be developed in order to build a quality education and Islamic-based. Pendahuluan
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