About the Journal

AL-AUFA: AL-Aufa: Journal of Islamic Education and Studies, is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Tarbiyah Faculty of Islamic Education Study Program, University of Sunan Giri Bojonegoro, East Java. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December

Fokus dan Skop

The focus covers all aspects of scientific discussions about education, educational innovation, and educational ideas which include: 1) research articles, 2) conceptual ideas, 3) literature review

Proses Review

All articles submitted will be reviewed by a minimum of 2 reviewers, and the results of the review will be published after obtaining approval from the editorial board.

Frekuensi Penerbitan

AL-AUFA: Islamic Education and Studies is published twice a year,? in June and December

Kebijakan akses terbuka

This journal provides direct open access to content adhering to the principles of research studies freely to the public in favor of greater global exchange of knowledge.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system in the filing system aimed at distribution among participating libraries and permits these libraries to create permanent journal archives for the purpose of prevention and restoration.

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As part of the submission process, authors are required to double-check their submission according to all of the following items, and submissions will be returned to authors who do not follow these guidelines.

The author submits the manuscript and understands that if accepted for publication, the copyright of the article will be assigned to the AL-AUFA.

Copyright transfer agreement and ethical statement of publishing by granting publisher permission from the author to publish work, and empowering publishers to protect work for unauthorized use and correct authorization of distribution. Work with print publications, offprints, reprints, electronic files, licensed photocopies, microform editions. , translation, delivery of documents and secondary information sources such as abstracting, reviewing and indexing services, including converting jobs into machine-readable forms and storing them in an electronic database. It also gives the author broad rights of fair use. Copyright transfer agreements and the issuance of ethical statements must be filled with respect to the article and signed in advance and sent to the Editorial office in the form of an original e-mail, or scanned document files (softfile form).

The author must state all these interests (or their absence) in writing for the submission of the manuscript. This competing declaration includes conflicts or potential conflicts of all registered authors. If conflicts are declared, AL-AUFA will publish them with paper. In case of doubt, the situation must be disclosed so that the editor can assess its meaning.

All registered authors are requested to fully fill in all sections. 1. Authors must submit competence and ethical forms to publication of additional files. 2. Authors on AL-AUFA must follow the guidelines and Journal Examples 3. Files that are sent can be opened in Open Office, Microsoft Word, RTF, or Word Perfect document file format. 4. The availability of URLs for reference is sought 5. The text complies with the style requirements and the list of references outlined in the writing guidelines, which can be found in the Journal. 6. If submitting to the peer-reviewed section of the journal, Blind Review ensures the instructions must be followed.

The author should read the submission submission checklist carefully and adhere to the AL-AUFA requirements and requirements.


The authors who publish their work in this journal agree to the following conditions:

The author retains copyright and gives the rights of the first publication journal to work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license which allows others to share work with the recognition of written and initial works with publication in this journal.
Authors can access separately, additional contractual agreements for the distribution of journals that are published non-exclusive works (for example, posting to institutional repositories or publishing them in books), with acknowledgment of the initial Publication in this journal.
Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (for example, in institutional repositories or on their web sites) before and during the submission process, because it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as prior and greater referrals (See the work published Influence of open access) .


The name and e-mail address entered on this journal website will be stated exclusively in this journal and are not available for other parties or interests.

Author Free of Charge

Authors are not required to pay, either for the submission, processing, or publication of articles.

Publication ethics

Al-Aufa : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kajian Keislaman adalah jurnal peer-review yang diterbitkan oleh Prodi PAI Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, Bojonegoro, Indonesia. Pernyataan ini menjelaskan perilaku etika dari semua pihak yang terlibat dalam proses penerbitan sebuah artikel di jurnal ini, termasuk penulis, ketua editor, Dewan Editorial, reviewer dan penerbit. Pernyataan ini didasarkan pada Pedoman Praktik Terbaik untuk Editor Journal COPE.

Pedoman Etika untuk Publikasi Jurnal

Publikasi sebuah artikel di Al-Aufa : Jurnal Pendidikan dan kajian Keislaman peer-review merupakan bangunan penting dalam pengembangan jaringan pengetahuan yang koheren dan diakui. Ini adalah refleksi langsung dari kualitas karya penulis dan lembaga yang mendukung mereka. Artikel-artikel yang ter-review mendukung dan mewujudkan metode ilmiah. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menyepakati standar perilaku etika yang diharapkan untuk semua pihak yang terlibat dalam tindakan penerbitan: penulis, editor jurnal, mitra bestari, penerbit dan masyarakat.

Prodi PAI Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, Bojonegoro, Indonesia sebagai penerbit Al-Aufa : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kajian Keislaman  mengambil tugas memelihara semua tahap penerbitan dengan sangat serius dan kami menyadari etika dan tanggung jawab kami lainnya. Kami berkomitmen untuk memastikan bahwa iklan, cetak ulang atau pendapatan komersial lainnya tidak berdampak atau mempengaruhi keputusan editorial. Selain itu, Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, Bojonegoto, Indonesia dan Dewan Editorial akan membantu dalam komunikasi dengan jurnal dan/atau penerbit lain, yang mana ini berguna dan diperlukan.

Keputusan Publikasi

Al-Aufa : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kajian Keislaman bertanggung jawab untuk memutuskan artikel terkirim mana yang harus diterbitkan. Validasi pekerjaan tersebut dan pentingnya bagi peneliti dan pembaca harus selalu mendorong keputusan tersebut. Para editor dapat dipandu oleh kebijakan dari dewan editor jurnal dan dibatasi oleh ketentuan hukum yang berlaku, seperti pencemaran nama baik, pelanggaran hak cipta dan plagiarisme. Para editor dapat berunding dengan editor lain atau mitra bestari dalam membuat keputusan ini.