Esoterisme Beragama Pada Anggota Majelis Taklim Muslimat NU di Desa Sepatnunggal

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  • Khoerul Latifah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto
  • Khusnul Khotimah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto



Esoterisme, Keberagamaan, Majelis Taklim


Islam is the religion that the majority of people embrace. The portrait of the diversity of Indonesian Muslims depicts them being organized into more than 30 Islamic organizations. Islamic esotericism will always live in various trajectories of time. Putting forward self-discipline to integrate religious values ​​in economic turmoil requires an extraordinary middle ground (tawazun). The initial formation of an understanding of Islamic teachings assemblies of taklim teaching religious knowledge about fiqh, monotheism, or morality is a dimension. In accordance with the reality in society, the taklim assembly can also be interpreted as a means of preaching, fostering and improving the quality of life of Muslims in accordance with the demands of religious teachings. The method in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach. According to Islamic teachings, majlis taklim is a place to shape the soul and personality. Therefore, this activity deserves attention and support from the community. Which will create human beings with Islamic nuances and have the mentality to face the changing times that are increasingly advanced. Therefore, through the majlis taklim, the implementation of Islamic values ​​in society is increasing. This is what makes the majlis taklim have its characteristic value compared to other religious institutions.


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