Mendidik Santri Skizofrenia
Studi Kasus Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Pondok Pesantren Darul Hakim Blora
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schizophrenia, , Islamic EducationAbstract
Education is the right of every human being regardless of their mental state. Each nation must ensure the availability of educational institutions that can be accessed by every citizen. Every citizen must also play a role in the education of his generation. Darul Hakim Blora Islamic boarding school is one of the Islamic educational institutions that has concern for the education of marginalized people, in this case people with schizophrenia. Over the years of active in the education of people with schizophrenia, this boarding school has succeeded in healing dozens of its students and returning them to community life. This research seeks to dig deeper into the learning process carried out in this Islamic boarding school, to get an actual picture of the learning process so that it can be used as a reference for the government or other educational institutions to imitate and develop the steps taken in this boarding school.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ari Abi Aufa, Khoirotus Silfiyah, Eliya Safitri, Hamam Burhanuddin
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