Analisis Materi Dalam Kitab ‘Izhah Al-Nasyi’in

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  • Sitti Atiyatul Mahfudoh IAI Al Khairat Pamekasan
  • Ulva Badi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri



Moral Education Materials, teenagers, 'Izhah al-nasyi'in


Moral education for teenagers is very important. Because teenagers are the next generation who will continue the baton of a nation's struggle. The thing that is very important is given to teenagers the moral education material that must be taught to them. This research is a library research, where the primary sources of data collection uses by researcher is in the form of Sheikh Musthafa al-Ghalayaini's monumental work: "'Izhah al-Nasyi'in", and the secondary sources are getting from another references that still relevance with this research. While the approach used is a historical approach, which is tracing the background of Sheikh Musthafa al-Ghalayaini's thoughts on moral education and moral education materials for teenagers by explaining the factors that trigger the emerge of this thought. The data analysis technique used is content analysis. This method is used to analyze Sheikh Musthafa al-Ghalayaini's thoughts about education and moral education materials for adolescents. Then, it identified by grouping into the stages; identification, classification, and  interpretation. The final result of this research is that the characteristics of Sheikh Musthafa al-Ghalayaini's thoughts are included in the category of independent thought and different from several other styles of thought, namely, the specification of fiqh, literature, and philosophy. However, it still hold onto the Qur'an and al-Sunnah. While the moral education material offered by Sheikh Musthafa al-Ghalayaini, generally introduces a form of thought that prioritizes the realm of practice in everyday life that emphasizes inculcating morals in children's souls from an early age. This statement does not mean to deny other theoretical concepts.. However, the work of Sheikh Mustafa al-Ghalayaini is an illustration of real steps that must be implemented in the context of everyday life.


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