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Moral education, millennial generation, era of disruptionAbstract
Technological advances that are currently developing have many impacts on moral education in the current millennial generation. The presence of information technology is able to change the basic order of society. In addition, it provides a lot of comfort for the millennial generation so that they do not pay attention to the destructive side that threatens the technological advances. The purpose of this study is to review the concepts and strategies of moral education in the millennial generation in the current era of disruption. The research method used is library research, namely data collection or scientific writing on the subject of research or data collection of a library nature or studies carried out to solve a problem that focuses on critical and in-depth studies. millennials include: 1) Exemplary Method. 2) Habituation Method. 3) Method of giving advice. 4) Story method (fairy tale). 5) Attention/supervision method. while the strategies used to provide moral education for the millennial generation in the era of disruption include: 1) The current millennial generation needs to be introduced to a comprehensive understanding of the concept of morality. 2) there needs to be a good role model in the surrounding environment, especially. 3) prevent to be hedonistic.
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