

There are various ways of integrating holistic-integrative Islamic scholarship in the era of postmodernism such as in Indonesia today. This qualitative descriptive writing with a literature study aims to discuss the holistic-integrative integration of Islamic knowledge in higher education in Indonesia. The data analysis technique uses content analysis by sorting data according to the research objectives and problems. This research found the following two things. First, in essence, the integration of Islamic scholarship from holistic-integrative postmodernism-era thinkers is a criticism of the normative-theological Islamic scientific paradigm of the traditionalism era as well as a criticism of the empirical-sociological Islamic paradigm of the modernism era. Second, the essence of the integration of Islamic science in the postmodern era of religious universities in Indonesia is to end the dichotomy of science and religious science for scientific construction in the future. Several Islamic universities in Indonesia have carried out scientific integration, including UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta with the concept of Reintegration of Sciences in Islam, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta with the concept of Integration-Interconnection using the Spider Web metaphor, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang with the concept of Integration of Science in Islam with the Tree of Knowledge metaphor, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung with the concept of Wahyu Guiding Knowledge with the wheel metaphor, UIN Alauddin Makasar with the concept of Integration and Interconnection of Science and Religious Knowledge with the metaphor of the Tree of Science Cells, and others.
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