Problematika Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Islam di Bojonegoro

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  • Sri Minarti



: Islamic education has an important role in shaping the character and morality of individual Muslims, as well as ensuring the continuity and dissemination of Islamic religious values. In Islamic educational institutions, the role of educators and education personnel is crucial in carrying out this mission. However, in practice, Islamic educators and education personnel often face various challenges and problems that affect the effectiveness of Islamic education as a whole. One of the problems that often arise is the lack of qualifications and competence of Islamic educators and education personnel. Many Islamic educational institutions face difficulties in obtaining educators and education personnel who have a deep understanding of Islamic teachings, as well as skills in applying them in the context of modern education. This can hamper the process of Islamic education and reduce the quality of graduates produced. In addition, the problem of inadequate infrastructure and educational facilities is also one of the main problems in Islamic education. Many Islamic educational institutions still face limitations in terms of educational facilities and infrastructure, such as inadequate school buildings, lack of books and learning materials, and lack of other supporting facilities. This condition can hamper the learning process and create a learning environment that is not conducive. Another challenge is the low motivation and commitment of Islamic educators and education personnel. Lack of motivation and commitment can result in low teaching quality, as well as a lack of innovation in the delivery of learning materials. In addition, differences in understanding and interpretation of Islamic teachings can also cause conflict and disharmony among educators and education personnel.Seeing the complexity of the problems faced by Islamic educators and education personnel, serious and comprehensive efforts are needed to overcome these problems. The role of the government, educational institutions, society and other stakeholders is very important in efforts to improve the quality of Islamic education and ensure the realisation of the vision of quality, inclusive and progressive Islamic education.


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Abstract View: 216, PDF Download: 180