Nilai Pendidikan Tauhid dalam Pirukunan Purwa Ayu Mardi Utama (PAMU)

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  • Arif Muzayin Shofwan Shofwan Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar



Pirukunan Purwa Ayu Mardi Utama (PAMU) which was founded by Kiai Ageng R.M. Djojopernomo is a group that teaches the value of monotheistic education to its citizens. This qualitative research using a literature study will explore the value of monotheism education at PAMU. The data analysis technique uses content analysis by sorting things according to the focus and objectives of the research. This research produces the following conclusions. First, Pirukunan PAMU has a special pronunciation when shaking hands as a guide to monotheism for its citizens. Second, Pirukunan PAMU's guidance on the value of Tawheed education is based on 20 mandatory traits for Allah SWT. Third, realizing the value of monotheistic education Pirukunan PAMU believes in the existence of four holy books that were revealed to the prophets, namely the Zabur to the Prophet David, the Torah to the Prophet Moses, the Gospel to the Prophet Isa, and the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Fourth, Pirukunan PAMU uses the concept of "Seven Dignities" to realize the value of monotheistic education, namely: Ahadiyah, Wahdah, Wahidiyah, Alam Arwah, Alam Mitsal, Alam Ajsam, and Alam Insan Kamil, as well as the concept of "Three Bait", namely Baitul Makmur, Baitul Muharam, and Baitul Muqadas. Fifth, Pirukunan Purwa Ayu Mardi Utama (PAMU) bases the realization of guidance on the value of monotheistic education on the formulation of three orders, namely the Syattariyah, Akmaliyah and Naqsyabandiyah orders.


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