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kangkung, sampah lingkungan, peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat,, pandemi covid 19Abstract
Water spinach is commonly found around the community of Ngumpakdalem Village. Most people do not know the benefits and uses of kale. In addition, in Ngumpakdalem Village, a lot of plastic waste such as used drinking water bottles and even steroform were found. Of course this will interfere with environmental health if the people of Ngumpakdalem Village have not been able to manage waste properly. Therefore, in community service activities in Ngumpakdalem Village in collaboration with partners, in this case IDFoS Indonesia, Dalem Mandiri Sejahtera Group, Mandiri Sehat Group 1 and Mandiri healthy Group 2, held training on environmental waste management both organic and inorganic as organic fertilizer and media. environmentally friendly planting for kale plants. In this community service activity, the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method is used, which is a community development concept based on local assets to overcome problems in the area. The results of this community service activity are in the form of "snack ndalem" food products in the form of finger cakes, chips and crackers with various flavors including original, balado, spicy, and barbeque and traditional herbal medicine "viks drink" with the basic ingredients of kale. organic. These food and beverage products are very helpful for the community in terms of empowering the family economy and fostering UKM and UMKM so that they can improve the economy of the Ngumpakdalem village community during the Covid 19 Pandemic.
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