Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Al Ulya: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (Oktober)

Jurnal Title : Al Ulya: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Frequency : Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Oktober
DOI :10.32665/ulya
PISSN :2540-8127
EISSN :2597-6656
The articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by authors from 3 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey).
Fostering the Value of Religious Tolerance among Students through the Development of Potential Issues A Review of Bibliometric Analysis
Abstract View: 196,
PDF Download: 195
The Effectiveness of the Discovery Learning Model on the Quality of Islamic Cultural History Learning
Abstract View: 108,
PDF Download: 60
Examining Self-Compassion, Social Support, And Mental Well-Being Among Fast Track Students at UIN Malang
Abstract View: 145,
PDF Download: 51
The Importance of Parental Teaching in Shaping Children's Islamic Character Parents' Perceptions
Abstract View: 103,
PDF Download: 59
Implementation of TQM Based on ESQ in Assalaam Modern Islamic Boarding School Temanggung
Abstract View: 69,
PDF Download: 42
The Character of Ecological People in the Quran A Thematic Interpretation Study
Abstract View: 87,
PDF Download: 73
Islamic Education Program Approach to Islamic Personality Development
Abstract View: 66,
PDF Download: 46